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Mine UR Own Business: The Quest for Hidden Gems.

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    “Helping you amplify your message so you can attract quality clients reduce stress increase productivity and drive sales”

    Derek Oxley

    Bridgeport, CT

    What you get:

    Access to resources and tools that I used to write my way out of hell and re-connect to my life's purpose.

    What is it all about?

    Discovering the endless possibilities that can dramatically alter any aspect of your life would certainly be a worth while investment. In 1996 I tried this simple 3 Step exercise that gave birth to my Bow Tie Company called Knots In A Box.

    Step1: List all of your skills talents and abilities on a sheet of paper.

    Step 2: Identify how many of those skills and talents you could parlay into a business.

    Step 3: GRIND-(Give Relentless Immediate Nutrition to your Dream).

    Resident inside each of us are the seeds of success and failure. Your future growth depends on which one you water and feed daily. Invest time in your personal and professional development and you will be certain reap a continual harvest for years to come.